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About Us

A female run, volunteer led charity, we help women find better lives by building their self-confidence and skill sets. They can then challenge any barriers that prevent them from stepping into who they are destined to be and move into volunteering, finding a job, getting promotion or becoming an entrepreneur.

We do this through free grant funded workshops, training, coaching, on-line support and our drop-in information and advice hub. We also work with organisations to help them be the best they can be in nurturing women.  Laura Murphy talks to Simon Herbert from HailshamFM about the work and purpose of WayfinderWoman here.

Meet Laura Murphy, founder of The WayfinderWoman Trust.

Help & Support

From group workshops to 121 coaching, from seminars to conferences we can help you overcome the barriers preventing you from succeeding.

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Our help and support is either free or low cost but we can only do that with grants and fundraising. Join us in helping to raise those important and potentially life-changing funds

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Do you want to be inspired or inspire others? Maybe you want to share a skill or learn a new one. Find out more about our volunteer scheme.

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Our priority project

Workshop recovery programme

The pandemic has had a major impact on everyone. None more so than the women we support. They have been disproportionately affected by job cuts and bearing increased responsibilities in the home. We were badly affected too with nearly two year's worth of fundraising lost and funders pairing their giving. Yet our work continues with increased demands. Women come to us crippled with anxiety and looking for help with finding food, finding jobs, finding a way forward.

We can offer that support but need to raise £5,031 to provide eight professionally facilitated workshops over the next 12 months in accessible venues. That could help more than 100 women get jobs, be able to stand up to those who take advantage of them, to transform their lives. Will you help? Make a donation now and in the comments box tell us it is for the workshop recovery programme.

Boost your donation at no extra cost! Boost your donation by 25% with Gift Aid
You can boost your donation by 25% with Gift Aid - simply tick the opt-in Gift Aid box during the PayPal process.
Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows us to reclaim the basic rate tax you pay as a UK taxpayer. It means that we can claim 25p of tax for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you.

Donate Now
65% Target: £5301 Raised so far: £3429

Our Supporters

National Lottery Community Fund
Mark Bishop - Plumbing and Heating
East Sussex VCSE Alliance logo
Please Donate